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Grant Writing
illumiNET Media helps your business or organization navigate Social Media and Digital applications.
illumiNET Media Marketing Consultants
AI Enterprise, Social Media, Digital Marketing, Branding, Promotion, Grant Writing, Consultants
Est. 2009 New York, New York
Worldwide- New York- Los Angeles
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Marilyn Zayfert is a highly skilled business development expert who places great value on effective communication and building strong relationships. is a community leader, coach, and mentor who prioritizes equity, integrity, and best practices. As an Adjunct Instructor at the Fashion Institute of Technology, State NY (SUN), Marilyn delivers a crucial undergraduate course on "Applications of Social Media" in the School Art and Design. Additionally, as the Founder, President, and Social Media Marketing Consultant of illumiNET Digital Marketing Consultants, Marilyn has collaborated with over 100 clients to devise digital marketing strategies and establish brand leadership.